81 research outputs found

    Evaluation Of Land Resource For Development Of Sorgum Plants In The Pantai Gemi Village District Stabat

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    The purpose of this study is to find the location of the land that is suitable or appropriate for sorghum plants seen at the level of the land suitability class are grouped in 5 classes of suitability, namely S1 (highly suitable), S2 (quite appropriate), S3 (marginal suitable), N1 (not appropriate at this time), and N2 (not as permanent). The results of the external scientific minimum in accredited national journals which have an ISSN, the results of the research done to get that to plant sorghum can be developed in fields of agricultural village beach gemi district stabat Kabupaten langkat with attention to some aspects of (1) the availability of excessive water can be done making drainage and (2) retention of nutrients; pH that is slightly sour can be improved by the administration of lime sedangkann low C organic can be corrected with the provision of organic matter can improve the nutrient content increased in the soil. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Profesional dan Pedagogik Guru Biologi yang Telah Tersertifikasi Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa di SMA Se-Kota Ternate

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    ABSTRAK Mukhtar Yusuf. 2014. Pengaruh Kompetensi Profesional dan Pedagogik Guru Biologi yang Telah Tersertifikasi Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa di SMA Se-Kota Ternate.(Dibimbing Oleh Ruslan dan Hartono). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompetensi profesional dan pedagogik guru biologi yang telah tersertifikasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa di SMA se-Kota Ternate. Penelitian ini bersifat ex post facto karena peneliti tidak melakukan kontrol terhadap variabel-variabel bebas karena manifestasinya sudah terjadi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian populasi. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa lembar observasi, tes kompetensi guru dan tes hasil belajar siswa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan statistik non parametrik Chi-square dengan menggunakan bantuan software spss 20. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (i) terdapat hubungan atau pengaruh kompetensi professional guru biologi yang telah tersertifikasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa dengan nilai X²= 46,412 (ii) terdapat hubungan atau pengaruh kompetensi pedagogik guru biologi yang telah tersertifikasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa di Kota Ternate dengan nilai X²= 62,049. Kesimpulan: Terdapat pengaruh kompetensi professional dan pedagogik guru biologi yang telah tersertifikasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Kata kunci: Kompetensi Profesional, Pedagogik, Hasil Belajar Siswa. ABSTRCT MUKHTAR YUSUF.2014. The Influence of Professional Competence and Pedagogy Competence of Certified Biology Teachers on Learning Resul of Students at SMA in Ternate (supervised by Ruslan and Hartono). The study aimed at examining the influence of professional competence and pedagogy competence of certified Biology teachers on learning result of students at SMA in Ternate. The study is an ex-post facto research because the researcher did not control the independent variables because its manifestation was existed already. Data were collected through observation, tes of teacher competence, and tes of students’ learning result. Data were analyzed by employing non-parametric Chi-square using SPSS 20 software. The result of the study revealed that (i) there was influence of professional competence of certified Biology teacher on students’ learning result by X²= 46,412, (ii) there was influence of pedagogy competence of certified Biology teacher on students’ learning result by X²= 62,049. The conclusion of the study was there were influence of professional competence and pedagogy competence of certified Biology teachers on learning result of study at SMA in Ternate. Keyword: Proffesional competence, pedagogy, students’ learning resul


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    Permasalahan saat ini yang dihadapi masyarakat bantaran sungai adalah erosi pada daerah sungai. Erosi dapat terjadi dan bergerak secara cepat di pengaruhi dan disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain faktor iklim, struktur dan jenis tanah, pengolahan lahan, vegetasi sekitar sungai dan topografi. Menurut Kironoto dalam jurnal I wayan Mustapa(Sutapa, 2010) mengakatakan Faktor iklim merupakan faktor utama dimana curah hujan yang tinggi yang secara sadar atau tidak sadar, langsung atau todak langsung mengikis permukaan tanah sehingga secara perlahan-lahan akan menghasilkan erosi. Dari adanya erosi sungai maka ekosistem sungai dan di bantaran sungai terganggu. Banyak ikan-ikan kecil, ular, dan jenis hewan air tawar lainnya mati. Serta membawa perubahan kepada warna air sungai yang kian keruh dan berwarna coklat kehitaman. Maka dari itu tim pengabdian masyarakat dari universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara Khususnya Fakultas Pertanian Prodi Agribisnis memberikan solusi kepada masyarakat mitra di Pertumbukan kecamatan Wampu Kabupaten Langkat untuk memanfaatkan tanaman buah-buahan sebagai penahan tanah dari erosi. Sehingga Lapisan tanah atau jalan tidak menipis, agar jalan di sekitar sungai tidak retak, selanjutnya tidak terjadi lagi banjir karena daya serap air ke tanah semakin membaik, tidak terjadi lagi sedimentasi sungai/pendangkalan sungai, kualitas air tidak lagi  buruk karena semakin banyak vegetasi yang menyokong tanah  atas sungai dengan ditanaminya pohon buah-buahan ini, sehingga laju erosi semakin lambat bahkan tidak akan erosi lagi

    Program Layanan Bimbingan Klasikal untuk Meningkatkan Self-Control Siswa

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    This research aimed to know the effectiveness of classical guidance service program to increase students’ self-control. It used quantitative approach with quasi experiment using non equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Subjects of the research were 80 students who were taken by cluster random sampling technique. They were divided into two groups, 40 students were in experimental group and 40 students were in control group. To collect data this research used interview guide and self-control scale. Data analysis technique which was used to test the effectiveness of classical guidance service program was Anacova analysis. The analysis result shows negative value 11.694 with coefficient t=4.259 and p+0.000. Based on research result it can be concluded that classical guidance services program was effective to increase students’ self-control. The results of this research are useful for guidance and counseling teachers to help students to increase self-control through classical guidance services program

    Exploration and evaluation of the mathematical values inculcation instrument

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    The concept of a values system in education including mathematics education cannot be over emphasized. This is because value based education stands to be the rudiment of classical successes in the attainment of beneficial knowledge, that is the knowledge which is cognizant of the material and spiritual needs of the individual and the society. This study aims at investigating and understanding the underlying factors of values inculcation in mathematics teaching and learning among mathematics teachers in the North eastern region of Nigeria. As such, this paper xplores some of the universal values that are supposed to be tele-guiding mathematics instructional content delivery. The study involved n=509 service teachers teaching mathematics at various levels of secondary school education in the North eastern region of Nigeria. A likert-scale questionnaire consisting of 52 items cutting across the five hypothesized dimensions of values inculcation in athematics teaching and learning which include ideological, attitudinal, sociological, computational and motivational mathematical values was used to obtain the teachers’ responses on the nature of the values they inculcate in their mathematics teaching and learning. The study intends to answer the research questions and hypotheses based on the predictive abilities of mathematical values inculcation measures and mathematical values inculcation measures that effectively predict the underlying five constructs for values inculcation. The results show that out of the 52 items proposed to measure the five latent constructs only 43 items clinched to the hypothesized five dimensions. This implied that values inculcation in mathematics teaching and learning should be geared using the five factor dimensions analysed in this study, particularly in the North eastern region of Nigeria

    Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals pollution on irrigated soil along Salanta River Valley, Kano State Nigeria

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    This paper assessed the heavy metals pollution in irrigated soil of salanta river valley of Sharada industrial area with aim of assessing the potential ecological risk of Cd, Cu, Cr and Zn. Soil samples were collected from five plots randomly selected along the stream and heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Cr and Zn) and pH were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and pH meter respectively. The mean values and standard deviation of heavy metals in the study area shows that there is variation in the mean values among the heavy metal in the study area in which Cr recorded mean values of 2.30mg/kg ± 0.45, Cu 1.01 mg/kg ±0.78, Cd 3.02 mg/kg ± 0.66, Zn 26.4 mg/kg± 5.45 and mean pH 6.8 ± 0.51. The Cd, Cu and Zn were found below European regulatory values, the mean value of Cd (3.02mg/kg) is found above EU regulatory values (3.0mg/kg) and the pH value of the study area shows that the soil is slightly acidic and can influence the availability and solubility of the heavy metals in the area. The assessment also show that Cd (Pij,= 1.0), Cu (Pij,= 0.007) and Zn (Pij,= 0.088) are heavily polluted the soil of the area, and also slightly polluted with Cr (Pij,= 0.025). However, the potential ecological risk assessment show that Cr (Eri = 0.005) and Cu (Eri = 0.003) have low potential ecological risk in the area; Zn (Eri = 0.04) has moderate potential ecological risk while Cd (Eri = 0.088) is considerable potential ecological risk in the soil of study area. It was recommended that the industries should treat their waste water before  discharge and farmers should avoid using waste water directly, sewage sludge and effluent for watering and manure respectively.Key words: Heavy metals, pollution, soil, ecological ris

    Expression of a full length Arabidopsis vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase (AVP1) gene in tobacco (Nicotiana tabbacum) to increase tolerance to drought and salt stresses

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    Among various abiotic stresses salinity and drought are the two major factors limiting the crop productivity. Genetically engineered salt and drought tolerant plants could provide an avenue to the reclamation of farmlands lost to agriculture because of salinity and a lack of rainfall. The Arabidopsis gene AVP1 encodes a vacuolar pyrophosphatase that functions as a proton pump and generates an electrochemical gradient in vacuole, thereby activating vacuolar membrane-antiporters including Na+/H+ antiporter, which helps in sequestration of Na+ into vacuole. In addition, over-expression of AVP1 gene increase vegetative growth by auxin transport and enhances auxin mediated root development, consequently achieving higher water absorption and retention capacities. The goal of present work is amplification of full length AVP1 (3.2kb) gene, from Arabidopsis thaliana genomic DNA through PCR, its cloning into a suitable plant expression vector and transformation in tobacco through Agrobacterium mediated transformation method for its characterization. PCR analysis showed the successful transformation of this gene in Nicotiana tabaccum. Screening of these putative transgenic plants against different salinity levels (50-250mM NaCl) showed that transgenic plants were tolerant to 250mM NaCl whereas the control plants showed wilting within 36-48 hours of salt treatment. Under periodic drought stress treatment transgenic (AVP1) plants were significantly more tolerant than wild type plants. Similarly the results of salinity and drought tolerance experiment in sand under saline and water regime conditions confirmed that introns play a key role in gene expression and regulations and improve the growth of plants. These resistant phenotypes are associated with increased internal stores of solutes

    Promoting Exclusive Breastfeeding in Sokoto: The Role of Counseling, Parental Support, and Health Education

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    Purpose – This study aims to investigate exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) in Sokoto. Design/methods/approach – A survey type of 300 respondents was used; data were analyzed with frequency counts/percentages and an X2 test. Findings – All respondents were female (100.0%), aged 26-35 (100.0%). The majority of the participants were single (66.7%) and unemployed (66.7%), with a secondary school education (66.7%). However, 33.3% of the participants were married, were civil servants, and had tertiary education. The study revealed that the majority (66.7%) had received breastfeeding counseling during antenatal care. All respondents (100.0%) received proper guidance/counseling at home on exclusive breastfeeding. Fathers (66.7%) and mothers (33.3%) supported exclusive breastfeeding. The respondents reported exclusively breastfeeding their child for the first six months after delivery (100.0%), and weaning occurred between 19-24 months. The reasons for avoiding exclusive breastfeeding were the sickness of the mother (66.7%) and insufficient milk (33.3%). All respondents (100.0%) agreed that exclusive breastfeeding improved the baby’s health, and health awareness encourages breastfeeding (100.0%). Research implications/limitations – This study provides a limit in the form of maximum exclusive breastfeeding for children aged 24 months. Practical implications – The study suggests that counseling, support from parents, and health awareness can improve exclusive breastfeeding, and healthcare providers should provide such services during antenatal care while promoting the practice through health education campaigns. Originality/value – This study highlights the importance of counseling, parental support, and health education in promoting exclusive breastfeeding and improving the health of infants in Sokoto. Paper type Research pape


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    Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini bertujuan meningkatkan produktivitas hasil tanaman pepaya dan meningkatkan pendapatan petani dengan pemanfaatkan limbah puntung rokok sebagai biopestisida dalam mengendalikan hama kutu putih Paracoccus marginatus, dengan mitra Kelompok Tani berkah bertujuan agar kelompok tani yang ada di desa Situngkit Kecamatam Wampu kabupaten langkat dapat memanfaatkan dan mengelola limbah puntung rokok menjadi biopestisida dari serangan hama Paracoccus marginatus yang dapat mematikan tanaman dan merugikan petani, serta tingginya harga Pestisida kimiawi untuk mengendalikan hama tersebut, Kondisi saat ini  yang yang terjadi pada petani pepaya yaitu  pengetahuan limbah puntung rokok sebagai biopestisida yang sangat minim, ketrampilan dalam pemanfaatan puntung rokok menjadi biopestisida bagi Paracoccus marginatus belum didapatkan, Tingkat Pendidikan sumber daya manusia Desa Situngkit masih tergolong rendah; sehingga perlu memberi pengetahuan dan pelatihan cara.membuat biopestisida hama yang ekonomis dan ramah lingkungan dengan menggunakan limbah puntung rokok sebagai biopestisda untuk mengendalikan hama kutu putih Paracoccus marginatus pada tanaman pepay
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